Produced by bizzy amor

I am in the midst of constant experimentation.

Music Production Bizzy Amor Music Production Bizzy Amor

Workflow Experiments

The key to creating consistently is decreasing the friction it takes to get started and reducing the exit windows once you’re in that flow state. This set up is sparse but powerful AF. I may end up tracking vocals into the iPad as well…which is crazy.

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Music Production Bizzy Amor Music Production Bizzy Amor

Teenage Engineering K.O. II EP-133

I can appreciate Teenage Engineering’s approach to their products. They have a signature way of approaching each delivery. I admire that and would like to identify ways to develop my own signature aesthetic.

This is a sampler. I didn’t need another but this one looked appealing and I wanted to try it. I knew it would sell out so I wanted to try it while I could get it.

So far, so good. It’s fun to use. That means a lot. It takes time to develop a good workflow so it’ll be a year before I know.

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